Make Beringin alphabets more accessible
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This repository contains my attempt of making a font for Beringin alphabet as I could not find any fonts for it online.
There are four formats available for every versions:
There are two ways to write Beringin, one is using normal keyboard and the other is using special keyboard. Overview and comparison between the two is available here. Regardless which keyboard you are using, you need to take note that Beringin is written vertically.
There are three versions available, two for normal keyboard and one for special keyboard.
You can also just download the zip file of all versions here.
When using normal keyboard, you will type the Beringin letter using Latin letter and it will display the corresponsing Beringin letters assigned to the Latin letter. Detailed information of this implementation is available here. Refer to this table to see what Latin letter will display which Beringin letter.
There are two versions of font available for this purpose.
MNH48 Beringin Tegak is the font version intended for usage with general normal keyboard. The letters will appear to be rotated when written horizontally and it will appear upright when written vertically on supported software and/or hardware.
You can download the zip file here.
Note: This GIF had the best framerate I could record on my 32-bit netbook, consider donating so I can build a decent computer for better maintenance of this repository.
MNH48 Beringin Lintang is the font version intended for usage with legacy normal keyboard. The letters will always appear upright regardless it is written horizontally or vertically. This version is useful for older softwares that does not have support for vertical text, just write horizontally and manually insert line break after each character.
You can download the zip file here.
Note: This GIF had the best framerate I could record on my 32-bit netbook, consider donating so I can build a decent computer for better maintenance of this repository.
When using special keyboard, you will type the Beringin letter using characters assigned in the Unicode Private Use Area (PUA). This make it possible to also write Latin alongside Beringin with the same font. The font itself does not have any letters for Latin so your system will take other font to display Latin. Detailed information of this implementation is available here. Refer to this table for all characters.
There is only one version of font available for this purpose.
MNH48 Beringin PUA is the font version intended for usage with special keyboard. The letters given out by the keyboard are standalone, you don’t need to mess with Latin or refer to any table to use it.
You can download the zip file here.
There are different ways of writing on special keyboard so that depends on your system, refer to this page for more information.
Preview (uses Beringin fcitx IME keyboard layout):
Note: This GIF had the best framerate I could record on my 32-bit netbook, consider donating so I can build a decent computer for better maintenance of this repository.
Usage of the font depends on which format and what device you are using.
Desktop device here refers to any devices running desktop version of operating systems such as Linux, Windows, macOS and others, regardless the actual device.
To use the font:
but it varies from one distro to the othersfc-cache -fv
from your terminal emulatorFor other operating system, please figure out where the font directory is located and copy the TTF file to the directory, then restart. If that doesn’t work then you’re out of luck.
Mobile device here refers to any devices running mobile version of operating systems such as Android, iOS, etc, regardless the actual device.
To use the font:
There are so many different ways to install font on Android. If you’re going to use the font only for specific app then you can just copy the TTF font file to that app’s folder. For example, if you want to use it in Phonto app, put the file in Internal Storage > Phonto > fonts
. The exact folder varies from app to app.
To install it systemwide, install font manager app from the Play Store, such as iFont, zFont, etc, that app will take care on the different types of installation needed which is different from one Android device to the other.
You need to look for font manager specific for your device, and then read the instructions from there on how to install the font.
All the fonts are licensed under OFL, the media files under CC-BY 4.0, and the rest under MIT.