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The tables here list what you should type to display respective Beringin letters when you are using MNH48 Beringin Tegak and/or MNH48 Beringin Melintang font(s). Corresponding letter in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), Rumi (Latin) and Jawi (Arabic) alphabets are also included for reference.

Table of Contents


Beringin script users who uses Latin keyboard to type will need to get used to the assignation for the letters laid out on the tables on this page. Refer to the page before (Normal Keyboard) for more information.


Actual letter What you type IPA Letter in Rumi Letter in Jawi
b b b b ب
p p p p ڤ
d d d d د
t t t t ت
c c t∫ c چ
j j j ج
g g g g ݢ
k k k k ک
m m m m م
n n n n ن
Y Y ɲ ny ڽ
G G ŋ ng ڠ
s s s s س
z z z z ز
l l l l ل
r r r r ر
h h h h ه
f f f f ف
y y j y ي
w w w w و
v v v v ۏ
q q k q ق
x x s/z/ks x س\ز\کس


Actual letter What you type IPA Letter in Rumi Letter in Jawi
a a a a ا
e e e e ي
i i i i ي
o o o o و
u u u u و
E E ə e ى


These are used to mark the affixes that exist in Malay and Indonesian languages. It is also possible to be typed out without using these markers but it will take more spaces as Malay and Indonesian uses affixes heavily.

Sample word: mempertanggungjawabkannya (meaning: to make someone to be responsible of something by the person being mentioned about) which has combination of one circumfix, meN-…-kan (making noun into verb and mark it as present tense), one prefix, per- (making the object as a subject); and one suffix, -nya (marking the action to be from the person being mentioned about). Instead of typing out each letters for the affixes, you can just type in one letter for each of them.

In this sample, it would end up as MRtaGguGjawabNX (15 letters) when written with affix letters mixed in instead of mEmpErtaGguGjawabkanYa (22 letters) using basic letters alone for the same word. Note that it is written horizontally here just for the sake of comparison, it must be written vertically when writing it the proper way.

Actual letter What you type Affixes
M M meN-
D D di-
P P peN-
S S se-
B B ber-
T T ter-
R R per-
K K ke-
A A -an
N N -kan
H H -kah
L L -lah
X X -nya

Some of the affixes in Indonesian and Malay are spelt as is and will not have dedicated letter:


Just type in the numbers the normal way.

Actual number What you type Numbers
0 0 Zero
1 1 One
2 2 Two
3 3 Three
4 4 Four
5 5 Five
6 6 Six
7 7 Seven
8 8 Eight
9 9 Nine


Actual symbol What you type Symbols Names
. . Period
, , Comma
? ? Question
! ! Exclamation
: : Colon
; ; Semicolon
/ / Slanted bar
( ( Opening bracket
) ) Closing bracket
[ Opening single quote
] Closing single quote
< Opening double quote
> Closing double quote
- - - Hyphen
² Word duplication mark

Beringin Extension

These are supplement letters for a few more Malay sounds that were not in original Beringin alphabet set.

Actual letter What you type IPA Letter in Rumi Letter in Jawi
C C ky کي
F F gy ݢي
I I ʃ sy/sh ش
J J dʒʲ jy جي
O O x kh خ
Q Q ɣ gh غ
U U th ط
V V dh ض
W W sw سو
Z Z dw دو
\ tɹ̝̊ tr تر
| dɹ̝̊ dr در
{ t͡s ts تس
} d͡z dz ذ
ʔ ‘/k/g/q ع/ء/ٴ/ئ/ق